Question: #317

Develop histograms showing the distribution of rivet diameters from the original and new supplier

1. Develop histograms showing the distribution of rivet diameters from the original and new supplier.
2. Compute the sample means and standard deviations for the two sets of data.
3. Comment on whether it appears the assumptions required for testing if the two populations have equal mean diameters are satisfied.
4. Select a level of significance for the testing whether the two suppliers have rivets with equal mean diameters. Discuss the factors you used in arriving at the level of significance you have selected.
5. Perform the appropriate null and alternative hypothesis test. Discuss the results.

Solution: #331

Develop histograms showing the distribution of rivet diameters from the original and new supplier

As we can see that the sample mean for both the suppliers are same so a common level of significance would be appropriate to u...

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