Question: #389

Find an example of a study employing scale in a recent journal article

Find an example of a study employing scale in a recent journal article. Describe the characteristics, scoring, reliability, and validity of this measure. What type of scaling procedure does it most resemble: Thurstone, Guttman, or Likert? Is this a useful scale? Why, or Why not? In your opinion, what could have been done differently?

Solution: #406

Find an example of a study employing scale in a recent journal article

The case study in question explored a feedback intervention that incorporated team-generated scales created from best practice research principles from industrial / organizational psychology. In this case study a college men’s soccer team developed behaviorally-based anchored rating scales on 14 performance dimensions, and then provided self and team member ratings on each dimension. Then, each player was provided feedback on team average gratings relative to their  self-ratings. In this ...

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Posted by: Macgyver

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