Question: #1161

Premiere Products Exercise Chapter 1 Complete Solution

Premiere Products Exercises

Answer each of the following questions using the Premiere Products data shown in Figure 1-5. No computer work is required.
1. List the names of all customers that have a credit limit less than $10,000.
2. List the descriptions of all parts in item class AP and located in warehouse number 3.
3. List the order numbers for orders placed by customer number 608 on October 23, 2013.
4. List the part number, part description, and on-hand value (OnHand * Price) for each part in item class SG.
5. List the name of each customer that placed an order for two different parts in the same order.
6. List the name of each customer that has a credit limit of $5,000 and is represented by Richard Hull.
7. Find the sum of the balances for all customers represented by Juan Perez.
8. For each order, list the order number, order date, customer number, and customer name.
9. For each order placed on October 21, 2013, list the order number, order date, customer number, and customer name.
10. For each order placed on October 20, 2013, list the order number and customer name, along with the name of the rep who represents the customer.

Solution: #1160

Premiere Products Exercise Chapter 1 Complete Solution

Communication time = access delay +(data volume / transmis...

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