Question: #1164

Premiere Products Exercise Chapter 2 Complete Solution

In the following exercises, you will use the data in the Premiere Products database shown in Figure 2-1. (If you use a computer to complete these exercises, use a copy of the Premiere Products database so you will still have the original data when you complete Chapter 3.) In each step, use QBE to obtain the desired results. You can use the query feature in a DBMS to complete the exercises using a computer, or you can simply write a description of how you would complete the task. Check with your instructor if you are uncertain about which approach to take.

1. List the number and name of all customers.
2. List the complete Part table.
3. List the number and name of all customers represented by sales rep 35.
4. List the number and name of all customers that are represented by sales rep 35 and that have a credit limit of $10,000.
5. List the number and name of all customers that are represented by sales rep 35 or that have a credit limit of $10,000.
6. For each order, list the order number, order date, number of the customer that placed the order, and name of the customer that placed the order.
7. List the number and name of all customers represented by Juan Perez.
8. How many customers have a credit limit of $10,000?
9. Find the total of the balances for all customers represented by sales rep 35.
10. Give the part number, description, and on-hand value (OnHand * Price) for each part in item class HW.
11. List all columns and all records in the Part table. Sort the results by part description.
12. List all columns and all records in the Part table. Sort the results by part number within item class.
13. List the item class and the sum of the value of parts on hand. Group the results by item class.

Solution: #1162

Premiere Products Exercise Chapter 2 Complete Solution

SELECT Count (Customer.CustomerName) A...

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