Question: #1370

CS107 End of Chapter Project 5 Chapter 6 Solution

CS107 (SP2015) Introduction to Computing and Programming

End-of-Chapter Project 5 (Chapter 6)

Points: 5

      Solve Problem 1 under the section of “Programming Problems” (p. 303) in the textbook. Make sure you design your program in such a way that it prompts the user for the pathname leading to the file containing the data. Note that there is an error in the problem at the bottom of the first paragraph (i.e. …. if the grade is less than 50.), which should be corrected as …. if the grade is less than 60.


      You may use any methods you learned in class to handle the input file. Be sure to use proper formatting and appropriate comments in your code. The following shows a sample result of running the program using the data shown on p. 303 in the textbook. Your program should display output (on the screen) similar to it.


Enter the input file name: c:/grades.dat

Weems 83% .83333 Well Done

Dale 85% .85000 Well Done

Richards 95% .95000 Excellent

Smith 60% .60000 Need Improvement

Tomlin 73% .73333 Good

Bird 75% .75000 Good


      You MUST follow the criteria shown below to turn your projects in via Blackboard on/before the due date/time shown above. An icon in folder “Course Content” has been created for you to submit your projects there.


(1) Submit only source code files for the project; object and executable files will NOT be graded.

(2) The source code file for the project should be named as follows: p5, followed by the first        letter of your first name, followed by your last name, and followed by cpp. For example, the      source code file created for the project by John Smith should be named p5jsmith.cpp.

(3) Your programs should be compiled successfully and run correctly. Programs failing to compile and/or run correctly will receive NO points.

(4) We will use the following criteria to evaluate your programs: (a) program correctness (90%);    (b) programming style (indentation, blank lines, and comments) (5%); and (c) identifier/variable names used (5%).

Solution: #1350

CS107 End-of-Chapter Project 5 (Chapter 6) Solution

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