Question: #1564

CIS430 Advanced Database Topics Assignment 3 Complete Solution

  1. (10 marks)  In regards to DBMS performance,
  1. Show a simple example where a table normalized into two tables takes up more space than the denormalized original table, despite a demonstrated reduction in redundancy.
  2. Make up an example of two tables stored both separately and clustered.
  1. (10 marks)  Make up a checklist for database dependability checking.  Imagine you are the DBA, and list the things you would need to look at to ensure the database is
  1. Recoverable – it can recover quickly from hardware/software or power failures.
  2. Restorable - the system could somehow be brought up again relatively quickly after a disaster where the building burned down.

Some items might be features of the DBMS; others might be hardware or other software, or business arrangements and practices.

  1. (10 marks)  Explore the web to find out about in-memory databases.  Use at least three references, and list them.  Do not copy and paste!
  1. Explain how they work and what advantages and disadvantages they bring.
  2. Explain what software/hardware/OS technology is necessary for them to work.
  3. Explain what they will change in DBMS technology.
Solution: #1548

CIS430 - Advanced Database Topics Assignment 3 Complete Solution

In this example, Denormalized table (ACTIVITY) will take space of three attributes (5 rows and 3 columns) while the two normalized tables STU-ACT (5 rows and 2 columns) and ACT-cost (4 rows and 2 columns) will cont...
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