Question: #1736

Unit 7 ENG 120 Research Essay Complete Solution

Unit 7 ENG 120

Research Essay

The Research Essay will require you to research and choose readings to incorporate into your essay. After reading and watching the content on Research Essays, choose one of the following topics for your essay (listed below). Be sure to choose a position on the topic. For example, if you choose standardized testing, be sure to discuss how standardized testing works and if it is effective in helping students learn. Think about the possible negatives and positives for each topic to narrow the topics below. The essay will be four to five pages in length and employ APA format.
Follow these guidelines to write your Research Essay:

 The Research Essay should be four to five pages in length and include at least three scholarly sources. Choose one of the following topics and choose one position on the topic:
o Advertising and its effects
o Women in/and education
o Gender roles and stereotypes
o Political correctness
o Standardized testing
o Dieting and its effects


  1. Include an APA title page
  2. Include APA in-text citations wherever you reference the text.
  3. Include a reference page in APA format.
  4. Be objective and avoid using “I,” “you,” and “we.”

Students: Be sure to read the criteria, by which your paper/project will be evaluated, before you write, and again after you write.

Solution: #1722

Unit 7 ENG 120 Research Essay Complete Solution

role is determined on the basis of particular traits and behaviors. Gender stereotypes are the beliefs held for particular attributes and behaviors. It is the generalization of the gender characteristics, and roles of the individual or group. The stereotypes can be positive or negative and mostly communicate inaccurate information about others. The stereotypes formed for gender becomes the roles in the community. In esse...
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