Question: #4021

Week 3 Patterns and Characteristics of the Abuser and the Abused

As a human service professional, you must understand the patterns and characteristics of the abuser and the abused to complete a comprehensive screening.

Write a 1,050- to 1,500-word paper including the following information:

  • What are the patterns and characteristics you would look for during the screening of family members of a potential abused or neglected child? How do the characteristics of the abuser differ from the abused?
  • What are the patterns and characteristics you would look for while screening a potential abused or neglected child?
  • How would these patterns and characteristics help you determine the proper assessment methods? Which methods would you use in this screening scenario?

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Solution: #3996

Week 3 Patterns and Characteristics of the Abuser and the Abused

Week 3 Patterns and Char...
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