Question: #418

IT471 3 Kaplan University Assignement 7 Scored

Assignment 7

Unit outcomes addressed in this activity:

• Investigate the various implementations of NAT
• Demonstrate the ability to configure NAT on network hardware
• Analyze the result of the NAT configuration on WAN with the network simulator

Course outcome
IT471-3: Prepare network designs based on specified specific criteria.
You are hired to design an IP addressing scheme for five departments that will provide security and access to the Internet. Each department requires between 1,500 – 2,000 IP addresses. The company will have 2,000 IP addresses accessing the Internet at any given time. Write a 1–2 page paper listing the plan to present to your superior, who has a technical background, that details your plan and your timeline for implementation.
Design an IP addressing scheme, then, for each department, assign an IP address range and specify the subnet mask.

Determine which NAT method you would implement for this scenario. The plan should have all of the appropriate NAT commands and the verification commands used to prove the accuracy of your configuration. Apply your configuration to the simulator and run the appropriate show commands to verify your work. Your paper should reflect the correct configuration commands and the appropriate show commands to verify your work.
Using CCNA Virtual Lab simulator, click on the Net Visualizer Screen button. Select Labs from the View item on the menu bar. Select Practice Scenarios, NAT and ACLs.

Complete the following labs:
• Configuring NAT
• Troubleshooting NAT
Using CCNA Virtual Lab simulator, click on the Net Visualizer Screen button. Select Labs from the View item on the menu bar. Select Individual, NAT-PAT.
Complete the following lab:

Written Requirements:
Written work should be free of spelling, grammar, and APA errors. Points deducted from the grade for each writing, spelling, or grammar error are at your instructor’s discretion.
Please be sure to download the file “Writing Center Resources” from Doc Sharing to assist you with meeting APA expectations.

Solution: #438

IT471-3 Kaplan University Assignement 7 Scored

It could imagine that, I have to manage and adjust one company’s networking solutions where Company has been expecting to design IP address scheme, there is less support of network for controlling the different departments’ of the Company and there is a need of network traffic management mechanism, etc. Such type of requirement has proposed by company itself and want some e...

Rating: A+ Purchased: 11 x Posted By: Vikas
Posted by: Vikas

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