Question: #4271

ADJ215 Week 8 Checkpoint

Week Eight Checkpoint - Public Policies



Week Eight Checkpoint - Public Policies


The program known as Drug Abuse Resistance Education, which is more commonly known are DARE, and has a main goal of preventing young adults and adolescents from becoming drug abusers. DARE was credit in 1983 and has managed to get involved in 75 percent of the schools in the United States. DARE is designed to empower our youngsters to stay as far away from drugs and alcohol by teaching them skills that will help them make the right decisions when it comes resisting peer pressure and from becoming members of a gang and staying away from violence (DARE).

Solution: #4256

ADJ215 - Week 8 Checkpoint

Week Eight Checkpoint - Public Policies ADJ/215 Week Eight Checkpoint - Public Policies The program known as Drug Abuse Resistance Education, which is more com...
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