Question: #5087

CSTU 101 quiz 8

Which of the following could not be considered a “Romantic hero”?

Which of the following is not associated with Modernism in the early 20th century?

Which of the following was not associated with the Romantic movement?

Which building illustrates the materialism and industrialization of 19th century Europe?

Wordsworth’s sonnet, “The World Is Too Much with Us,” best illustrates which concept?

What central philosophical idea is foundational to “The Communist Manifesto”?

What key word best describes the cultural and intellectual climate of the early 20th century western world?

In philosophical terms, Karl Marx most closely matches up with whom?

Which of the following is not associated with the 19th century movement known as realism?

The early 20th century is described by which representative phrase?

According to Romanticism, great art is produced by the triumph of reason over passion.

The poem “Dulce et Decorum Est” documents the intellectual disillusionment brought about by the publication of Darwin’s “Origin of Species”

Belief in progress was a central idea within late 19th

In many ways, the modern environmental movement can be traced back to the romantic veneration of nature

Existentialism was a philosophical movement that emerged after the Second World War

Marxism can be understood as a theory of history.

Flaubert was one of the leading realist novelists of the 19th

Matthew Arnold’s poem “Dover Beach” illustrates a resurgence of religious faith during the late 19th century

Postmodernism can be described as the belief that truth is absolute and universal.

Paris hosted the Great Exhibition of 1851.



Solution: #5078

CSTU 101 Quiz 8

Which of the following could not be considere...
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