Question: #5112

evaluating agrarianism as a spiritual response to the environmental crisis

Write a paper evaluating agrarianism as a spiritual response to the environmental crisis.
a. First, analyze agrarianism’s diagnosis of the root cause of human alienation from nature and its proposed solution. Examine how the agrarian solution differs from the solutions to the environmental crisis proposed by other environmental movements such as deep ecology.
b. Finally, evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of these movements, determining which movement you find to be the most adequate in response to the current environmental situation. (If you find none of the responses we studied adequate, defend your own ideas of the best response while also critiquing the movements we studied.)
c. At each step, support all your interpretations with evidence from the assigned texts and media. (Remember, there is more than one good way to answer these questions.)
Your paper must be four to five pages in length (excluding title and reference pages), double spaced, and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Defend your claims with references to specific passages from at least three of the required and recommended readings

Additional Requirements

Min Pages: 5
Max Pages: 6
Level of Detail: Show all work

Solution: #5103

evaluating agrarianism as a spiritual response to the environmental crisis

Write a paper evaluating agrarianism as a spiritual response to the environmental crisis. a. First, analyze agrarianism’s diagnosis of the root cause of human alienation from nature and its proposed solution. Examine how the agrarian solution differs from the solutions to the environmental crisis proposed by ...
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