Question: #5760

IT 282 Week 1 Assignment Introduction to Operating System

 Introduction to Operating Systems

To understand three operating systems, you must first know what an operating system is. An operating system is software that controls the computer. It manages hardware, run applications, provides’ an interface for uses, stores, retrieves files. Here are three operating systems DOS, Windows 2000, and Linux. DOS which is a disk operating system was the first OS [CFoster1] within IBM computers.  DOS was the operating system utilized by early versions of Windows including Windows 3.1 and 3.11. Next, you have Windows 2000, which is an upgraded version of Windows NT and comes in numerous versions some are designed for the de

 [CFoster1]Remember to define acronyms upon first usage. Disk Operating System (DOS), Operating System (OS)


Solution: #5759

IT 282 Week 1 Assignment Introduction to Operating System

Introduction to Operating Systems To understand three operating systems, you must first know what an operating system is. An operating system is software that con...
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