Question: #6313

Bev 201 Beverage Management Trend Paper solution correct answer

Bev 201

Beverage Management Trend Paper solution correct answer

Select a beverage trend of interest in order to research and prepare a 4-5 page paper identifying and explaining its influence. 

The student is required to prepare an expository (explanatory) paper that explains something to the audience. This paper is a piece of academic writing that requires a more abstract, critical, and thoughtful level of inquiry. Images and pictures may be included to support the relevancy of the trend. However it should be understood that excessive pictureslimages or ones that are overly large to take away from the content and substance of the text will be deducted points at the discretion of the instructor.

Once a topic has been solidified, research it from multiple (quality-oriented) sources and various aspects. An essay should be prepared that includes: Three major sections: the 1) Cover Page, 2) Main Body (intro, body, conclusion), and 3) References. 

Format - The research trend paper should be typed (12-point font, times new roman), doublespaced on standard-sized paper (8.5" x 1 I ") with 1" margins on all sides. The paper should be four-to-five pages in length, not including the title and reference page. Cover page should include: Students name, course namb, \elected trends. All borrowed information from published sources needs to be cited. http://owl.enslish.purdue. edu/owUresource/557l0 1 / 

Solution: #6322

Bev 201 Beverage Management Trend Paper solution correct answer

Course: Name Alcoholic Beverage Trend Yours Name Professor’s Name [optional] University Introduction Beverage trends and Opportunities in beverage management are helpful for restaurant industry. These trends help in identifying the customer taste and preferences in the beverage industry. This report identifies the alcohols’ current trends by identifying the individuals and organizations indulged in this trend. It also discusses the benefits and challenges to the alcohols in the market. The report is specifically written for the wine trends in the beverage industry. The trend analysis the menu of the customers in restaurants, their needs and wants in alcohols and thus gives the guidance on what the restaurants can do to meet the needs of the customers. Trends in Production and Consumption of Wine The consumption of wine has increased in past few years in the beverage industry as compared to the consumption of beer. The number of new brands for wine has also increased in past years. The numbers of new wine brands are recorded as 525. To create interesting and exciting new innovations in wines, there are about 8,287 local wineries in the United States in with new and creative brands. Wine production statistics of the U.S. states The largest wine producing states in the United States contains California on the top, which has 3,913 wineries alone, amongst the total wineries of the United States. The second wine producing state is Washington with 704 wineries followed by Oregon with 632 wineries. The fourth state is New York having 333 wineries and the fifth state is Virginia containing 257 wineries. The number of wineries according to size According to size, there is more number of very small wineries followed by small wineries as compared to large and medium wineries. The number of wineries according to size can be seen in the table below: Winery size Number of Wineries in U.S. Limited Production 3,030 Very Small 3,465 Small 1,480 Medium 254 Large 58 Total United States 8,287 Consumption of wine in the United States The total consum...
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