Question: #7173

APOL104 quiz 5 complete solution correct answers key

Liberty University APOL 104 quiz 5 complete solution correct answers key

Some religions may use of the word “grace” but it is redefined to include human effort

The path to enlightenment is called the Middle Way because it avoids the extremes of affluence and asceticism.

The Buddhist belief in nirvana is essentially the same as the Christian belief in heaven

Hindus do believe in concrete absolute truth.

Like Christianity, Shintoism teaches a belief in one God (monotheistic).

Islam is an example of a monotheistic religion

The Hindu is more concerned with the rituals and rites that they follow, than the gods they worship.

The purpose of Yoga to the Hindu is:

In the Christian Gospel, life has meaning because we know that God loves us

The Dalai Lama represents and leads

Buddhism was once a sect of, and eventually a split from

The founder of Buddhism, Siddhartha Gautama, was a poor peasant boy who was disturbed by the plight of the poor and the apathy of the wealthy

The most sacred Baha’i book is:

The earliest of the Hindu scriptures are:

A person can tell if a worldview is true by testing it against the three criteria for truth:

The word Islam literally means:

Buddhism started in:

The Hindu concept of Karma and the Christian concept of sin are identical.

In Hinduism, Brahman is an impersonal, monistic (“all is one”) force.

An avatar is a reincarnation or manifestation of a god.


Humans create truth through trial and error

Since the “Fall” of humanity (Genesis Chapter 3) mankind has sought to declare independence from God.

The Baha’i religion has no ministers and no prescribed style of worship

Buddha claimed to have a special relationship with God.

The Baha’i recognize the wisdom of Jesus but deny his deity

The title “Buddha” literally means

Christians do not have to consider cultural barriers when presenting the gospel to a Hindu

Hinduism is considered the oldest man-made religion

Hinduism is a very diverse religion with some unifying beliefs but no specific creed.

Most religions focus on “teachings” but Christianity’s primary focus is on the person and work of Jesus Christ.

The Buddhist seeks to follow the “Middle Way” which keeps a person from the extremes of indulging or punishing the flesh.

The vast majority of Hindus live in

Most religions are exclusive. They believe their way is the only way to truth


The Hindu heaven is a physical placed called Nirvana

The Eightfold Path consists of eight steps/points whichh are to be achieved in a sequential (one after the other) manner.

All Hindus are polytheists. They believe in many gods.

"Salvation" in Hinduism is attained by living a life that fulfills your inner most desires


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Solution: #7182

APOL104 Quiz 5 complete solution correct answers key

Liberty University APOL 104 quiz 5 complete solution correct answer key Some religions may use of the word “grace” but it is redefined to include human effort The path to enlightenment is called the Middle Way because it avoids the extremes of affluence and asceticism. The Buddhist belief in nirvana is essentially the same as the Christian belief in heaven Hindus do believe in concrete absolute truth. Like Christianity, Shintoism teaches a belief in one God (monotheistic). Islam is an example of a monotheistic religion The Hindu is more concerned with the rituals and rites that they follow, than the gods they worship. The purpose of Yoga to the Hindu is: In the Christian Gospel, life has meaning because we know that God loves us The Dalai Lama represents and leads Buddhism was once a sect of, and eventually a split from The founder of Buddhism, Siddhartha Gautama, was a poor peasant boy who was disturbed by the plight of the poor and the apathy of the wealthy The most sacred Baha’i book is: The earliest of the Hindu scriptures are: A person can tell if a worldview is true by testing it against the three criteria for truth: The word Islam literally means: Buddhism started in: The Hindu concept of Karma and the Christian concept of sin are identical. In Hinduism, Brahman is an impersonal, monistic (“all is one”) force. An avatar is a reincarnation or manifestation of a god. Humans create truth through trial and error Since the “Fall” of humanity (Genesis Chapter 3) mankind has sought to declare independence from God. The Baha’i religion has no ministers and no prescribed style of worship Buddha claimed to have a special relationship with God. The Baha’i recognize the wisdom of Jesus but deny his deity The title “Buddha” literally means Christians do not have to consider cultural barriers when presenting the gospel to a Hindu Hinduism is considered the oldest man-made religion Hinduism is a very diverse religion with some unifying beliefs but no specific creed. Most religions focus on “teachings” but Christianity’s primary foc...
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