Question: #7749

CSTU 101 Quiz 6 complete solutions correct answers key

Liberty University CSTU 101 Quiz 6 complete solutions correct answers key

More than two versions

What was the period when Michelangelo, Da Vinci, and Botticelli worked

We defined the Renaissance as a cultural movement that produced artistic transformation and

Who painted a tribute to the greatest figures of classical antiquity?

Who depicted the Medici family as wise men in his painting?

The statement that “man is the maker and molder of himself” comes from which writer?

The term “paradigm shift” most closely refers to which idea?

What were two classical values that inspired the Renaissance humanists?

Which painting offers the best example of the two types of perspective that emerged in Renaissance art?

Which of the following was not an outgrowth of the Crusades?

Which century was marked by famine and plague in Western Europe?

The history of the Crusades illustrates the principle known as the “law of unintended consequences”

In his self-portrait, Albrecht Durer painted himself looking like a Christ figure

The so-called Children’s Crusade was the only crusade that was “successful” in any meaningful sense.

The heliocentric model of the universe was taught by ancient and medieval astronomers.

Renaissance intellectuals considered themselves to be both humanists and Christians.

The shift from the medieval to the modern world can be described simply as the shift from a vertical to a horizontal model of reality.

The invention of movable type was one of the most significant developments of the early modern period

The rise of the middle class is one of the most significant factors that has shaped the modern western world.

What gets “reborn” in the Renaissance is primarily the values and culture of the Middle Ages

In his sculpture “Moses,” Michelangelo was trying to capture the moment when Moses confronted Pharaoh in Egypt.


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Solution: #7758

CSTU 101 Quiz 6 Complete Solution

Liberty University CSTU 101 Quiz 6 complete solutions correct answers key What was the period when Michelangelo, Da Vinci, and Botticelli worked We defined the Renaissance as a cultural movement that produced artistic transformation and Who painted a tribute to the greatest figures of classical antiquity? Who depicted the Medici family as wise men in his painting? The statement that “man is the maker and molder of himself” comes from which writer? The term “paradigm shift” most closely refers to which idea? What were two classical values that inspired the Renaissance humanists? Which painting offers the best example of the two types of perspective that emerged in Renaissance art? Which of the following was not an outgrowth of the Crusades? Which century was marked by famine and plague in Western Europe? The history of the Crusades illustrates the principle known as the “law of unintended consequences” In his self-portrait, Albrecht Durer painted himself looking like a C...
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