Question: #8817

MIS535 Final Exam Complete Solution Sept

MIS535 Final Exam Sept 2015

MIS535 Final Exam Sept 2015

Solution: #8843

MIS535 Final Exam Complete Solution Sept

MIS 535 Final Exam All 3 Sets (TCO A) Which of the following decisions require knowledge based on collaboration and interaction? (Points : 4) (TCO A) The costs for firms operating on a global scale have been drastically reduced by (Points : 4) (TCO B) Which of the following businesses use the market creator business model? (Points : 5) (TCO B) ________ are visual tools for presenting performance data in a BI system. (Points : 5) (TCO C) The type of logical database model that treats data as if they were stored in two-dimensional tables is the (Points : 4) (TCO C) A field identified in a record as holding the unique identifier for that record is called the (Points : 4) (TCO D) The telephone system is an example of a ______ network. (Points : 4) (TCO D) To use the analog telephone system for sending digital data, you must also use. (Points : 4) (TCO E) Enterprise applications have become easier to install because: (Points : 5) (TCO E) Which of the following factors provides an understanding of why computing resources today are ever more available than in previous decades? (Points : 5) (TCO F) Agile Methodologies (Points : 4) (TCO G) A salesperson clicks repeatedly on the online ads of a competitor in order to drive the competit...
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