Question: #8914

Pre Lab 4 CS 122L Complete Solution

Pre-Lab 4

CS 122L - 5 Points Total



●     Learn how to graph functions


●     Learn various styles that can be applied to graphing



●     Submit your pre-lab answers in Bblearn under the Lab 4 pre-lab assignment area prior to the start of class.


We want to plot the function y = x2 over the interval [1,3]. In order to do this, we need to establish an x vector (our independent variable) and a y vector (our dependent variable).


1) Given x = [1:0.05:3], write the MATLAB code to generate our y vector (Hint: refer to the original function that we are trying to plot).


2) There are many different line specifications that can be used when plotting. Using the documentation at, answer the following questions:


a) List 2 different line style specifiers, and the line style that they produce (e.g., ‘-’ is the default solid line).


b) List 2 different color style specifiers and the color they produce (e.g., ‘k’ is used to specify black).


c) List 2 different marker specifiers and the markers the produce (e.g., ‘p’ is used to specify pentagram markers)


3) Using your answers to questions 1 and 2, write the MATLAB code to plot y = x2. Be sure to use some of the line specifications that you discussed for question 2.

Solution: #8942

Pre-Lab 4 CS 122L Complete Solution

a. Matlab Line Specification. '--' Dashed line ':' Dotted line '-.' Dashed-dot l...
Rating: A+ Purchased: 11 x Posted By: Vikas
Posted by: Vikas

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