Question: #932

CS 279 Assignment 3 Application Layer Protocols and Port Numbers Complete Solution

QNT 351 Week 2 Team Data Collection Presentation.(02-04-2015)

Prepare a 700- to 1,050-word written report along with a 5- to 7-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation for the senior management team to present your findings (see Exhibit B for the data set of the second survey).


Address the following:


  • Present the BIMS situation as an overview—problem, purpose, research questions, and hypotheses.
  • Describe the instrument used for data collection.
  • Identify types of data collected—quantitative, qualitative, or both—and how the data is collected.
  • Identify the level of measurement for each of the variables involved in the study.
  • Code the data if you have not done so. Describe how the data is coded and evaluate the procedure used.
  • Clean the data by eliminating the data input errors made.
  • Draw conclusions about appropriateness of the data to meet the purpose of the study.


Note. As consultants to BIMS, your Learning Team is expected to prepare and deliver a professional product addressing the client's needs.

Solution: #938

CS 279 Assignment 3 Application Layer Protocols and Port Numbers Complete Solution

Telnet is a program which allows you to connect directly to remote machines. In the past, it was used similarly to the way we currently use SSH. The problem was that telnet...

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