Question: #9389

SE571 Principles of Information Security and Privacy Midterm Examtutorial

SE571 Principles of Information Security and Privacy - Midterm Exam A+ tutorial 1.Question : (TCO A) What are the three goals of security in computing? For each goal, list two controls that can be implemented to help achieve that goal. Points Received: 23 of 23 2.Question : (TCO A) May a database contain two identical records without a negative effect on the integrity of the database? Why or why not? Points Received: 23 of 23 3.Question : (TCO B) It's been said that firewalls are dead. Some think that, because of the prevalence of application-layer attacks, packet filtering firewalls are of no real use in protecting networks. Name three advantages of using packet filtering firewalls in modern networks. Points Received: 23 of 23 4.Question :(TCO C) Respond to each part of this question: a) Describe how a long number (encryption key) can be shared between sender and receiver without using any source that is obvious to outsiders and without directly sending the number from sender and receiver. b) Describe how a long number (encryption key) can be shared between sender and receiver over an unsecured network without loss of confidentiality. Points Received: 23 of 23 5.Question : (TCO B) Which of the following is a correct statement? Points Received: 8 of 8
Solution: #9426

SE571 Principles of Information Security and Privacy - Midterm Examtutorial

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