Question: #981

Premiere Products Exercises Chapter 6 Solution

2. Indicate the changes you need to make to the design of the Premiere Products database to support the following situation. There is no relationship between customers and sales reps. When a customer places an order, it may be through any sales rep. On the order, identify both the customer placing the order and the sales rep responsible for the order.

3. Indicate the changes you need to make to the design of the Premiere Products database in the event User View 3 requirements are changed as follows; For a part, store the part’s number, description, item class, and price. In addition, for each warehouse in which the part is located, store the number of the warehouse, description of the warehouse, and number of units of the part stored in the warehouse.

4. Indicate the changes you need to make to the Premiere Products database design to support the following situation. The region where customers are located is divided into territories. For each territory, store the territory number (a unique identifier) and territory name. Each sales rep is assigned to a single territory. Each customer is also assigned to a single territory, but the territory must be the same as the territory to which the customer’s sales rep is assigned.

5. Indicate the changes you need to make to the Premiere Products database design to support the following situation.The region where customers are located is divided into territories. For each territory, store the territory number (a unique identifier) and territory name. Each sales rep is assigned to a single territory. Each customer is also assigned to a single territory, which may not be the same as the territory to which the customer’s sales rep is assigned.


Solution: #985

Premiere Products Exercises Chapter 6 Solution

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