Question: #6544

BIOL 101 quiz 4 complete solution correct answer key

Liberty University BIOL 101 quiz 4 complete solution correct answer key

What stimulates the release of the enzyme amylase into the pancreatic duct so that it can break down starches?

Which of the following terms describes or names a cell that swims like an animal using cilia, but is green in color like a plant?

Which of the following is NOT part of the Cell Theory?

A eukaryotic cell structure (organelle) that results when a vesicle formed from the Golgi complex simply remains in the cytoplasm of the cell:

Which of the following statements is an element of cell theory?

Biologists have discovered living things that defy (do not agree with) “Cell Theory”. Which aspect of the cell theory is most directly violated by slime molds?

When the enzyme amylase from the pancreas is finally ready for use, it is stored within cell cytoplasmic vesicles called___.

In order for the nasty bacterium Streptococcus pyogenes to adhere to your throat cells, attachment to your cells must be made. This is done using new proteins called _____ and new cell structures called ________.

Two unusual features of protozoan cells like Paramecium are

It is difficult for human macrophages to detect and destroy Strep cells because Strep cells

A prokaryotic cell is protected against osmotic swelling and rupture by its

A eukaryotic cell structure (organelle) in which the final stages of protein maturation are completed:

Energy processing in eukaryotic cells often involves linearly arranged reactions. That is why energy processing organelles have highly folded membranes within them—structures known as

Respiratory proteins, ion channels, transport proteins and attachment point proteins are all examples of protein found

____ are little molecular machines (eukaryotic cell structures) that move vesicles and organelles throughout the cytoplasm of the cell.

When a protein molecule has folded into its final form, it leaves the endoplasmic reticulum (RER) and travels to the Golgi complex by means of

Some species of Paramecium receive sugars from

Within an acinar cell, the enzyme amylase reaches its final form within

An important function of the eukaryotic cell membrane is to

Which of the following is NOT a kind of protein found in a prokaryotic membrane?

It is impossible to write a brief dictionary definition of life because

____________ house enzymes that trap carbon dioxide and bind it to larger substrate molecules.

What structures inside the eukaryotic cell provide a skeletal framework that supports and shapes the cell?

________ and ________ are structures that walk along microtubules in the eukaryotic cell carrying vesicles from place to place.

To say that “the cell is the unit of life” means that

Which of the following organisms is considered to be eukaryotic

        ____ are little molecular machines that move vesicles and organelles

throughout the cytoplasm of the cell

Cells are small because

Which of the following occurs in the nucleolus

In order for nasty bacterium Streptococcus pyogenes to stick to your throat cells, attachment proteins must be made. These proteins are called

Prokaryotic organisms have a definite lack of which of the following

A saltine cracker is mostly starch. If cracker bits are digested into small subunit parts, what kind of molecule would be the product?

Discrete, visible lengths of DNA sequence found in human cell nuclei are known as

Ignoring cell size and just counting numbers, most of the cells in nature are this type

Bacteria are typically very mall, yet even the largest bacterium is still a prokaryote because it

Zoochlorella cells (algae that do photosynthesis) benefit by living inside Paramecium cells. They

Solution: #6560

BIOL 101 Quiz 4 complete solution correct answer key

Liberty University BIOL 101 quiz 4 complete solution correct answer key What stimulates the release of the enzyme amylase into the pancreatic duct so that it can break down starches? Which of the following terms describes or names a cell that swims like an animal using cilia, but is green in color like a plant? Which of the following is NOT part of the Cell Theory? A eukaryotic cell structure (organelle) that results when a vesicle formed from the Golgi complex simply remains in the cytoplasm of the cell: Which of the following statements is an element of cell theory? Biologists have discovered living things that defy (do not agree with) “Cell Theory”. Which aspect of the cell theory is most directly violated by slime molds? When the enzyme amylase from the pancreas is finally ready for use, it is stored within cell cytoplasmic vesicles called___. In order for the nasty bacterium Streptococcus pyogenes to adhere to your throat cells, attachment to your cells must be made. This is done using new proteins called _____ and new cell structures called ________. Two unusual features of protozoan cells like Paramecium are It is difficult for human macrophages to detect and destroy Strep cells because Strep cells A prokaryotic cell is protected against osmotic swelling and rupture by its A eukaryotic cell structure (organelle) in which the final stages of protein maturation are completed: Energy processing in eukaryotic cells often involves linearly arranged reactions. That is why energy processing organelles have highly folded membranes within them—structures known as Respiratory proteins, ion channels, transport proteins and attachment point proteins are all examples of protein found ____ are little molecular machines (eukaryotic...
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