Question: #6768

BIO101 – HUMAN BIOLOGY Final Exam Complete Solution


Final Exam –


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– good luck in all of your future pursuits. Enjoy the summer!












1. Which karyotype(s) shows a “normal” male individual (i.e., a male individual with no


A. A and B

B. B only

C. C only

D. D only

E. A, B, C & D


2. Which karyotype(s) shows an individual with Turner’s syndrome?

A. A only

B. C only

C. B and C

D. D only

E. A and D


3. Fertilization normally takes place in which structure?

A. the vagina

B. the uterus

C. an oviduct

D. the endometrium

E. an epididymis


4. The organ of sexual stimulation and pleasure in the female reproductive system is the:

A. uterus

B. ovary

C. vagina

D. clitoris

E. vulva


5. In the human female, a blastocyst implants into the:

A. uterus

B. oviduct

C. vagina

D. ovary

E. cervix


6. Which extraembryonic membrane contains a fluid that surrounds and bathes the embryo?

A. yolk sac

B. allantois

C. amnion

D. umbilical cord

E. chorion


7. Immediately after fertilization, the zygote begins to

A. expand as it fills with water

B. disintegrate

C. travel through the oviduct back towards the ovary

D. divide by cleavage

E. become a polar body


8. During the formation of an embryo, a solid ball of cells is termed a

A. blastula

B. gastrula

C. neurula

D. fetus

E. morula


9. Fetal development begins with the

A. first month

B. first week

C. third month

D. sixth month

E. seventh month


10. The organ that receives the penis during sexual intercourse is the

A. ovary

B. uterus

C. vagina

D. oviduct

E. follicle


11. The sex chromosome composition of a person with Klinefelter syndrome is







12. Down syndrome involves trisomy of chromosome

A. 3

B. 5

C. 15

D. 19

E. 21


13. The body cells of a normal human male contain _____ chromosomes.

A. 22

B. 46

C. 92

D. 21

E. 47


14. From which germ layer does the nervous system develop?

A. mesoderm

A. ectoderm

B. endoderm


15. If a human inherits two X chromosomes, the person will (normally) be

A. a female

B. a male

C. color-blind

D. sterile

E. sick


16. Which of the following chromosomal abnormalities could NEVER be observed in

an adult human?

A. trisomy 21

B. trisomy X (XXX)

C. trisomy 6

A. Monosomy X (XO)

B. Klinefelter’s syndrome (XXY)


17. The building blocks of a nucleic acid like DNA are called

A. amino acids

B. nucleotides

C. glycerol

D. fatty acids

E. polysaccharides


18. Which of the following is composed of glucose subunits?

A. protein

B. fat


D. glycogen



19. A cell’s plasma membrane is composed of

A. cellulose

B. cellulose and protein

C. lipid only

D. phospholipids and proteins

E. DNA and RNA


20. Blood belongs to which tissue type?

A. epithelial

B. connective

C. muscular

D. nervous

E. Blood is an organ, not a tissue


21. What general tissue type is responsible for lining and protecting the body?

A. epithelial

B. connective

C. muscular

D. nervous

E. smooth muscle


22. Which type of tissue responds to stimuli and transmits impulses?

A. epithelial

B. connective

C. muscular

D. nervous

E. cardiac


23. The primary function of the large intestine is

A. storage of feces

B. digestion of fats

C. secretion of bile

D. secretion of acid

E. absorption of water


24. Of the following digestive organs, the greatest amount of nutrient absorption takes

place in the:

A. stomach

B. small intestine

C. mouth

D. pancreas

E. esophagus


25. The human vocal cords are located in the

A. glottis

B. pharynx

C. trachea

D. larynx

E. bronchus


26. Which of the following is NOT filtered from the bloodstream in the nephron?

A. water

B. red blood cells

C. urea

D. glucose

E. amino acids


27. Filtration of the blood in the kidney takes place in the

A. Loop of Henle (loop of the nephron)

B. Glomerulus

C. Distal convoluted tubule

D. Proximal convoluted tubule

E. Collecting duct


28. The atomic weight (or mass) of an atom is determined by the weight of

A. neutrons and protons

B. neutrons and electrons

C. protons and electrons

D. protons only

E. neutrons only


29. The pulmonary trunk carries blood away from the

A. aorta

B. right atrium

C. right ventricle

D. left atrium

E. left ventricle


30. Erythrocytes are derived from stem cells located in the

A. spleen

B. thymus

C. bone marrow

D. pancreas

E. liver


31. Which of the following would NOT be considered part of the central nervous system?

A. brain

B. cerebellum

C. medulla

D. spinal nerves

E. brainstem


32. Which of the following are the primary cellular sites for the production of proteins?

A. Golgi bodies

B. ribosomes

C. mitochondria

D. lysosomes

E. smooth ER


33. The part of the brain that controls the basic responses necessary to maintain life

processes (breathing, heartbeat) is the

A. cerebral cortex

B. cerebellum

C. cerebrum

D. corpus callosum

E. medulla oblongata


34. Photoreceptors are located in the

A. lens

B. cornea

C. pupil

D. iris

E. retina


35. The hormone insulin is produced by the

A. adrenal cortex

B. adrenal medulla

C. thyroid

D. kidneys

E. pancreas


36. Which gland secretes testosterone?

A. testes

B. adrenal medulla

C. thyroid

D. kidney

E. pancreas


37. The adrenal medulla produces

A. insulin

B. epinephrine



E. testosterone


38. The passageway that allows eggs from the ovary to travel to the uterus is known as

A. A vagina

B. A uterus

C. An oviduct

D. An endometrium

E. A vas deferens


39. The black, central portion of the eye is called the:

A. Retina

B. Pupil

C. Cornea

D. Iris

E. Cone


40. In the condition known as testicular feminization (or CIAS),

A. A person appears male but is XX

B. A person appears female but has two Y chromosomes

C. A person appears male and is XY

D. A person appears female but is XY

E. A person with Turner’s syndrome appears male

41. The last structure air moves through before it reaches the alveoli is the

A. larynx

B. glottis

C. pharynx

D. trachea

E. bronchioles


42. The normal pH of the blood is about

A. 3.2

B. 8.5

C. 1.1

D. 7.4

E. 6.3


43. The long bone in the upper leg is called the

A. fibula

B. femur

C. humerus

D. tibia

E. tibula


44. Which cells produce and secrete antibodies that cause the destruction of bacterial


A. phagocytes

B. macrophages

C. B cells

D. T cells

E. thrombocytes


45. Calcium ions in muscle cells are stored in

A. vacuoles

B. sarcoplasmic reticulum

C. mitochondria

D. actin

E. acetylcholine


46. Which of the following can be defined as the contractile unit of a muscle cell?

A. myofibril

B. myosin filament

C. sarcomere

D. actin filament

E. calcium ion


47. In the sliding filament model of muscle contraction, which two proteins are “sliding”

with respect to each other?

A. troponin and tropomyosin

B. actin and myosin

C. sarcomere and myoglobin

D. actin and calcium

E. myosin and troponin

48. The collarbone is officially called the

A. hyoid

B. patella

A. scapula

B. clavicle

C. phalanx


49. The part of the brain that controls the basic responses necessary to maintain life

processes (breathing, heartbeat) is the

A. cerebral cortex

B. cerebellum

C. cerebrum

D. corpus callosum

E. brainstem


50. The sense based on air vibrations is

A. taste

B. smell

C. touch

D. sight

E. hearing


51. In human females one of the sex chromosomes is switched off early in development

to become a Barr body. This phenomenon is called

A. karyotyping

B. dosage compensation

C. X linkage

D. crossing over

E. mutation


52. Chromosomes other than those involved in sex determination are known as

A. nucleosomes

B. heterosomes

C. alleles

D. autosomes

E. liposomes


53. Which statement is NOT true about the male and female reproductive systems?

A. Males produce greater number of gametes than women do.

B. Women do not have to experience orgasm to become pregnant.

C. The maturation of sperm occurs in the epididymis.

D. They both produce follicle-stimulating hormone.

E. Male and female gametes almost always meet in the vagina.


54. After the zygote begins to divide, what is the next structure formed during the developmental


A. A blastocyst

B. A morula

C. A gastrula

D. An embryo

E. A fetus


55. Sperm MATURE in which structure?

A. Testes

B. vas deferens

C. epididymis

D. prostate gland

E. penis


56. Which molecule is composed of amino acid subunits?



C. Protein

D. enzyme

E. fat


57. Food is prevented from entering the trachea by the

A. epiglottis

B. larynx

C. pharynx

D. esophagus

E. stomach


58. The “80” in a blood pressure of 120/80 is the

A. Diastolic pressure

B. Systolic pressure

C. Pulse pressure

D. Capillary pressure

E. Venous pressure


59. Which of the following conditions is characterized by a karyotype with 45


A. Turner syndrome

B. Down syndrome

C. testicular feminization

D. Klinefelter syndrome

E. Huntington’s disease


60. Which of the following conditions is characterized by a karyotype with 47


A. Turner syndrome

B. cri-du-chat syndrome

C. testicular feminization

D. Klinefelter syndrome

E. Huntington’s disease

Solution: #6784

BIO101 – HUMAN BIOLOGY Final Exam Complete Solution

BIO 101 – HUMAN BIOLOGY Final Exam – Please fill in your name and SOLAR ID number on your answer sheet before starting, and bubble in the corresponding ovals. Do not write anything else on the opscan sheet (except for the answers, of course!) Answers to the multiple choice questions must be filled in on the answer sheet with a #2 pencil. There are 60 multiple choice questions. Answer sheets will be collected when time is called at 5 pm. If you finish before that time you may hand in your answer sheet and leave (everyone must stay until 2:45). Answers and grades will be posted ASAP on Blackboard. Thank you for being wonderful people and making the semester enjoyable – good luck in all of your future pursuits. Enjoy the summer! SELECT THE BEST ANSWER!! GOOD LUCK! 1. Which karyotype(s) shows a “normal” male individual (i.e., a male individual with no aneuploidies)? A. A and B B. B only C. C only D. D only E. A, B, C & D 2. Which karyotype(s) shows an individual with Turner’s syndrome? A. A only B. C only C. B and C D. D only E. A and D 3. Fertilization normally takes place in which structure? A. the vagina B. the uterus C. an oviduct D. the endometrium E. an epididymis 4. The organ of sexual stimulation and pleasure in the female reproductive system is the: A. uterus B. ovary C. vagina D. clitoris E. vulva 5. In the human female, a blastocyst implants into the: A. uterus B. oviduct C. vagina D. ovary E. cervix 6. Which extraembryonic membrane contains a fluid that surrounds and bathes the embryo? A. yolk sac B. allantois C. amnion D. umbilical cord E. chorion 7. Immediately after fertilization, the zygote begins to A. expand as it fills with water B. disintegrate C. travel through the oviduct back towards the ovary D. divide by cleavage E. become a polar body 8. During the formation of an embryo, a solid ball of cells is termed a A. blastula B. gastrula C. neurula D. fetus E. morula 9. Fetal development begins with the A. first month B. first week C. third month D. sixth month E. seventh month 10. The organ that receives the penis during sexual intercourse is the A. ovary B. uterus C. vagina D. oviduct E. follicle 11. The sex chromosome composition of a person with Klinefelter syndrome is A. XXX B. XO C. XXY D. XYY E. XX 12. Down syndrome involves trisomy of chromosome A. 3 B. 5 C. 15 D. 19 E. 21 13. The body ce...
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