Question: #6830

BIOL 101 quiz 6 complete solution correct answer key

Liberty University BIOL 101 quiz 6 complete solution correct answer key

Light dependent reactions of photosynthesis produce

The wavelengths of light used in photosynthesis are found in the _________ portion of the electromagnetic spectrum.

When light of the correct wavelength hits a photosynthetic pigment molecule

All of the six carbon atoms in each glucose molecule leave respiration in the form of carbon dioxide. Most of them leave during which part of aerobic respiration?

Which of the following phrases best describes the role of NADPH in photosynthesis?

In the process of glycolysis one molecule of _______ is converted to two molecules of __________.

The overall process that uptakes energy-poor molecules (CO2 and H2O) from their reservoirs in nature and converts them into energy-rich molecules is

The process of aerobic respiration begins with

Photosynthesis and respiration are complementing processes within a global cycle known as the

Photosynthesis and respiration are complementary processes within

The value of the three stages of aerobic respiration is their ability to break down glucose, a single molecule, with the resultant production of about

The Krebs cycle’s NADH products are of value because

In photosynthesis, ______ and ______ are used to build_______ and release______.

When electrons flow between photosystems, they ________ which can be used to generate new ____________ molecules.

New molecules of glucose are produced

Accessory pigments enable the chloroplast to

In photosynthesis the H atoms used to make high-energy carbohydrates like glucose come from

In the electron transfer phosphorylation process, ______ is a reactant and _____ is a product.

In the chloroplast, light dependent reactions take place in the __________________ while light independent reactions take place in the __________________.

If fermentation reactions did not occur on earth then in places where no oxygen is available

Oxygen is an important molecule to both respiration and photosynthesis. If evolution created these two processes one after the other, which would probably have had to appear first on earth?

During the electron transfer reactions, protons (H+ ions) are pumped (moved) to one side of the inner membrane of the mitochondrion. The value of this pumping is that the proton gradient is then used

Fermentation of sugar causes grape juice to become wine. In fermentation, the two products given off are ____________ and _________. The latter product accumulates in the wine during the process.

The three metabolic pathways that make up aerobic respiration are really all parts of one larger pathway because

Which of the following is valuable as the most immediate source of the greatest amount of ATP energy given off during aerobic respiration?

Light independent reactions serve to

Identify the correct order of the processes of aerobic respiration

In all of aerobic respiration, the last molecule waiting at the very end to accept electrons

The “powerhouse” organelle within the cell in which electron transfer reactions are occur

In the light-dependent reaction, the two photosystems work together to keep the concentrations of  ______ and ______ appropriate for their amounts needed in the light-independent reaction

During the entire aerobic respiration process, the breakdown of a single molecule of glucose results in the production of

Which of the following is the most immediate source of the greatest amount of ATP energy given off during aerobic respiration?

Fermentation of sugar causes bread dough to “rise”.  In fermentation, the two products given off are ____________ and _________.  The latter product evaporates from the bread during the baking process

A chemoautotroph is an organism that gets its energy from _______________ instead of from _________ as photoautotrophic plants do.  (Heterotrophs like humans use sugar for energy.)

Solution: #6840

BIOL 101 Quiz 6 complete solution correct answer key

Liberty University BIOL 101 quiz 6 complete solution correct answer key Light dependent reactions of photosynthesis produce The wavelengths of light used in photosynthesis are found in the _________ portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. When light of the correct wavelength hits a photosynthetic pigment molecule All of the six carbon atoms in each glucose molecule leave respiration in the form of carbon dioxide. Most of them leave during which part of aerobic respiration? Which of the following phrases best describes the role of NADPH in photosynthesis? In the process of glycolysis one molecule of _______ is converted to two molecules of __________. The overall process that uptakes energy-poor molecules (CO2 and H2O) from their reservoirs in nature and converts them into energy-rich molecules is The process of aerobic respiration begins with Photosynthesis and respiration are complementing processes within a global cycle known as the Photosynthesis and respiration are complementary processes within The value of the three stages of aerobic respiration is their ability to break down glucose, a single molecule, with the resultant production of about The Krebs cycle’s NADH products are of value because In photosynthesis, ______ and ______ are used to build_______ and release______. When electrons flow between photosystems, they ________ which can be used to generate new ____________ molecules. New molecules of glucose are produced Accessory pigments enable the chloroplast to In photosynthesis the H atoms used to make high-energy carbohydrates like glucose come from In the electron transfer phosphorylation process, ______ is a reactant and _____ is a product. In the chloroplast, light dependent reactions take place in the __________________ while light independent reactions take place in the __________________. If fermentation reactions did not occur on earth then in places where no oxygen is available Oxygen is an important molecule to both respiration and photosynthesis. If evolution created these two processes one after the other, which would probably have had to appear first on earth? During the electron transfer reactions, protons (H+ ions) are pumped (moved) to one side of the inner membrane of the mitochondrion. The value of this pumping is that the proton gradient is then used Fermentation of sugar causes grape juice to become wine. In fermentation, the two products given off are ____________ and _________. The latter product accumulates in the wine during the process. The three metabolic pathways that make up aerobic respiration are really all parts of one larger pathway because Which of the following is valuable as the most immediate source of the greatest amount of ATP energy given off during aerobic respiration? Light independent reactions serve to Identify the correct order of the processes of aerobic respiration In all of aerobic respiration, the last molecule waiting at the very end to accept electrons The “powerhouse” organelle within the cell in which electr...
Rating: A+ Purchased: 11 x Posted By: Askwilliam
Posted by: Askwilliam

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