Question: #9090

The Detrinants of the Unemployment

The Detrinants of the Unemployment Rate: Some Empirical Evidence

Business Research Methods


Using your research topic, and building on your problem statement and purpose statement from previous units, create at least two research questions (a hypothesis if the methodology is quantitative). It is important that the first research question aligns closely with the problem statement and purpose statement created in the Unit V lesson.
Thus, for a qualitative study, you should create two research questions (one primary research question and one subquestion).
For a quantitative study, you should create two research questions. For each research question, you must also write the hypothesis and the null hypothesis. The hypotheses should align with each research question.
For a mixed method study, you should create two research questions. For each research question, you must also write the hypothesis and the null hypothesis. The hypotheses should align with each research question.
Please include the problem statement from your Unit V Journal Assignment so that the instructor can check the alignment of the research questions with the problem statement.

Unit VIII Assignment
Research Assignment
From the Online Library, choose two articles related to your research topic to compare and contrast. Use your course readings and any relevant published (peer-reviewed) academic literature that you find, and write a two to three page paper that contains the following information for each article:
· Title of the article
· Purpose of the research
· Research questions
· Methodology and research design

Solution: #9121

The Detrinants of the Unemployment

The Detrinants of the Unemployment Rate Some Empirica...
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