Question: #8821

PROJ592 Proj Cost Schedule Week 7 Complete Course Project Indoor Theme Park

PROJ592 Proj Cost Schedule Week 7 Course Project Indoor Theme Park

Completed with Microsoft Project

Solution: #8847

PROJ592 Proj Cost Schedule Week 7 Complete Course Project Indoor Theme Park

Directions For CP2 you will set your CP1 project and document deliverable aside and start fresh. Your task is to use this document and the data provided to create a project file using Microsoft Project. The data below will establish a project budget and schedule baseline with Budget = $4,449,920.00 and a highly desired completion date of 12/19/08. We are trying to create a scenario for a time that is 'out in the future' here. We are fast forwarding the project and loading some fictional infor...
Rating: A+ Purchased: 11 x Posted By: Mochpaper
Posted by: Mochpaper

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